Pond Construction

Evans Excavation spends time listening and asking questions to understand what kind of pond our client is seeking. We do a site survey to examine the location proposed for construction. After meeting with our clients, we design and construct a pond with slopes, depth, and other structures that our clients request. We keep in mind all of the features that will keep the pond healthy and clean. Our objective is to reduce the maintenance of your pond with our design!

Pond Design


Investing in a well-planned and skillfully built pond offers numerous benefits, including significant time and cost savings when it comes to pond maintenance.

An effective design incorporates various elements that promote favorable conditions for aquatic life. By carefully determining bank slopes and depths, weed growth is restricted to specific areas, ensuring a high-quality fish habitat. Additionally, implementing measures like redirecting harmful surface runoff or creating shallow wetland zones aids in capturing and retaining nutrients and sediments that could otherwise enter the pond from external sources like farm tiles or runoff.

By strategically locating underwater features, the habitat for fish can be greatly enhanced. Typically, only a small portion of the water, around 10%, accommodates about 90% of the fish population in most ponds. This indicates that a significant portion of the pond’s potential remains untapped. At Evans Excavation, we specialize in designing and constructing ponds that maximize the utilization of the available space. Don’t hesitate to contact us for assistance and guidance!

Considerations Before Construction

Determining a suitable location is one of the initial and crucial steps in pond construction. To begin this process, there are a few fundamental questions that need to be addressed. Firstly, it is essential to assess the soil conditions at the proposed site to ensure they are conducive to building a pond. Secondly, the source of water needs to be determined, along with considerations of whether the pond will have a reliable supply to maintain its desired water level consistently.

The provided drawing should accurately depict the surface area of the pond, incorporating contour lines to illustrate the intended bank slopes and depth variations. It is crucial to clearly indicate how the banks will be sloped and the specific depths at different points within the pond.

Additionally, the drawing should outline the designated location on the property where the excavated material from the pond, commonly known as spoils, will be placed. This information is essential for proper planning and execution of the excavation process.

A recommended slope ratio of 3:1 is highly advised for pond construction. This means that for every three feet you step into the pond, the water depth increases by one foot. This slope serves multiple purposes. Firstly, it ensures the safety of individuals by allowing them to easily exit the pond in case of accidental falls. Additionally, the 3:1 slope facilitates rapid deepening of the pond, minimizing the presence of shallow water areas that promote excessive plant and algae growth.

We maintain this 3:1 slope until reaching a depth of approximately 8 feet, at which point sunlight can no longer penetrate to the pond bottom. Beyond this depth, we incorporate a diverse range of structures and slopes that gradually lead to the deeper sections of the pond. However, it’s important to note that exceptions to the 3:1 slope rule may be made in beach areas, where a gentler slope ratio of 5:1 or 6:1 is more desirable.

We highly recommend that ponds be designed with a depth ranging from 14 to 15 feet. It is important to allocate a significant portion of the pond’s surface area, ideally between 5 to 10 percent, to accommodate this deep zone.

It is crucial to confirm the intended water level and inquire about how it will get there. At our company, we conduct thorough surveys and establish precise elevations through staking before initiating any excavation work. We employ various techniques to assess the soil conditions and determine their suitability for water retention.

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Cloverdale, IN 46120, United States 

Counties We Serve:

We serve all counties within Indiana along with some eastern parts of Illinois. We will consider all jobs in any location. Travel time may be added into all proposed quotes.